I’ve updated the BBC iPlayer TV program to work again. It should update to the latest version, or you can download it from the WebbIE website.
You might ask why it broke! Well, since the BBC broke all their metadata, a nice automated and readable index to the programmes, I have to visit the website and extract the programmes from there. It’s called “screen scraping” and it breaks whenever the BBC updates their website. Sorry about that.
Will this and the Radio Iplayer work in a few months as the BBC wants to change to ‘Sounds’ and has written:
‘After the release of Sounds, the app will run in parallel with iPlayer Radio for a few months while it acquires more features and the existing users move over, before iPlayer Radio is then shut down completely.’
Great question! Alas, since I only generally know things after they happen, I’ll have to jump that hurdle when I come to it.